Sparkford Rd.
SO22 4NR

Public Perceptions of Youth Crime
Participant Information Sheet

My name is Megan Hillman, and I am a Masters student in the Psychology Department of the University of Winchester. You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether you wish to take part. The study has been approved by the Psychology Department Ethics Committee and follows the ethical guidelines of the British Psychological Society.

What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of this study is to explore how the public perceive young offenders in terms of how they are treated and how responsible they believe they are for the offence they committed. This research is important as politicians can be influenced by opinion hence it is important to understand public perception as it may have an affect on current policies and laws surrounding young offenders. As well as this it may suggest a greater need for public education regarding institutions, the law and the age of criminal responsibility.

Why have I been chosen?
You have been asked to complete this study as a member of the public and for responding to the online advertisement. In total we are aiming recruit 200-300 participants.

Do I have to take part?
It is up to you to decide whether to take part. If after reading this information sheet, you would like to participate you will be asked to indicate your consent. If you change your mind at any point during the study, you can stop taking part and any data you may have contributed up to this point will be destroyed. If, after taking part you decide that you do not want your data to be used in the study, you can contact the researcher using the email address on the debriefing form that you will receive at the end of the study, within 2 weeks of taking part, asking me to destroy your data. At the end of the study you will be asked to create a unique identifier made up of your day of birth, the 3rd letter of your name and the number of your current house/flat. You will need to provide this identifier in order for us to destroy your data. You do not have to give a reason for withdrawing and no attempt will be made to make you change your mind.

What will happen to me if I take part and what do I have to do?
If you choose to take part in this study you will be asked to complete a jury eligibility questionnaire, supply some demographic information then read through two statements describing a violent offence. Following this you will be asked to answer some questions about the perpetrator of the offence. The study is expected to take no longer than 30 minutes however this can vary depending on the individual. There is no reward for taking part unless you were recruited via SONA, the University of Winchesters research participation scheme, in which you will be rewarded with one credit.

How will my data and my privacy be handled within this study?
All information and data collected about you will be kept securely, and only the researchers named in this information sheet will have access to it. The output of the project will be an assessed report, which may, in future, also be published in an academic journal. However, you will never be named or personally identified in any output from this research. Data will be stored [on a password encrypted hard drive], for up to one year or if published, for a period of up to 10 years; after which it will be securely destroyed. For further information about data privacy, please also read the full privacy statement within Appendix A of this information sheet.

What are the possible risks of taking part?
There are no known risks of taking part in this research, and the questions and content are designed not to be upsetting; however they do ask about and discuss a sensitive topic. You will be asked to read vignettes regarding violent crimes. Should you find yourself upset or worried by any of the questions or the issues they raise please contact the organisation below who will be able to help or point you in the right direction. If you have any experience with violent crimes you should not take part in the study. Remember – if you are concerned about your health in anyway, you should try and see your GP as soon as possible.
Victim Support: , 08 08 16 89 111.

What if something goes wrong?
If you have any complaints regarding how the research has been conducted, you are advised to contact the project supervisor and/or the Chair of the Psychology Ethics Committee. The current RKE Chair of university Ethics is Dr Samantha Scallan and the appropriate email address for complaints is

Who can I contact for further information?
For further information please contact Megan Hillman (researcher) at or Jackie Hillman (supervisor) at
Thankyou for taking part in this study.